If you would have told me one month ago that my little rinky dink YouTube Channel would grow from 4K subscribers to become a channel that April and I can work on together with over 58k subscribers. I would have called you crazy. This past month has been so surreal, I have been putting in so much time and energy editing and working on the channel and April has been sacrificing her weekends to help film and get things produced.
When You Tube emailed me last night and said they were featuring us as the next “Creator On The Rise” it made me feel so happy and like people were seeing the energy being put in. They are featuring us on the top of the explore page for the next 24hours to help our channel grow which is so cool of them to do!
I respect and appreciate all of the YouTube creators that have helped guide and inspire us like Syd and Macky, Awesome mtb, Nate Hills, Paul the Punter, Rich Drew, Jedd Lenosky, Jeff Kendallweed and more.Thank you guys for always being willing to help and chat with me about this space. Huge thanks to everyone that has supported us too! We are really excited to see what’s next.

Thank you!